Melasma is often found in areas of the body that are directly expose to sunlight, such as on the cheekbones, forehead, nose, above the lip, chin, etc. It is mostly found in middle-age people, and is more common in women than men. Melasma is cause by many factors, as follows:

- Hormonal changes, including from birth control pills, pregnancy, and menopause
- Sunlight , including UV rays from sunlight and blue light from light bulbs or mobile phones.
- The use of certain cosmetics that contain ingredients that stimulate melanin pigmentation, such as hydroquinone, which has the effect of reducing melanin pigmentation.
- Genetics: If a family member has melasma, it can result in up to 30-50% of children having melasma, and there is a high chance that melasma will come back frequently.
Therefore, if you want to treat melasma yourself, you must choose the treatment method that is appropriate for the type of melasma and your skin condition.
Although melasma is difficult to treat and may recur, we can reduce the risk of melasma and age spots by avoiding triggers, protecting the skin from the sun, and taking care of the skin health with appropriate skincare products, as follows:
Use sunscreen regularly. It is a product that helps protect the skin from sunlight and UV rays. Which are factors that cause freckles on the face and premature skin aging. You should choose a sunscreen with SPF30–50 (Sun-Protection Factor) โปรโมชั่น ufabet. And don’t forget to reapply every 2 hours for long-lasting protection.
Foods that contain vitamins A, C, E are antioxidants. Taking care of your skin health from the inside by choosing to eat vegetables. And fruits that contain vitamins A, C, and E, such as prunes, grapes, berries, guava, and oranges. Vegetables include morning glory, broccoli, and spinach, which will help strengthen your skin and prevent blemishes from spreading further.
Treating blemishes with natural methods: In addition to eating food or using nourishing creams. Ladies may want to try treating blemishes. With natural methods by using tamarind pulp to apply or apply a thin layer to the blemishes area. Leave it on for 3-5 minutes and then wash it off. This will help reduce dark spots, help exfoliate skin cells and also make the face look naturally whiter and brighter. It has a similar effect to using AHA extracts but may not be convenient.